Monday, February 28, 2011


So during Monday Club... the youth centre where you work...
you ask a young person to guess how you came to work that day...
...and they ask you, "Where do you work?"
...and you tell them, "At Club." (hadn't they noticed?)
...and they then say, "Wot, all the time - what do you do during the day?"
...and you explain and realise that they think that you have another 'real' job....
...and you watch a whole new world unfold before their eyes of young people going to a youth centre day and night and even during school time...
...and you hardly get a reaction at all when you go back to telling them how you got to work that day...
... even though,
....unlike other days when you just take 5 minutes to walk to work,
...that day got up that morning
... in Ireland
...and took a car, plane, bus and train to work!



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