Monday, September 18, 2006

Say Yes More

and the stranger on the bus said say YES more... so he did...

So Danny Wallace was told by a stranger on a bus to....

Say YES more

He did...he started for 24 hours and found that he liked it...did it for a week and found himself pledging to do it for the rest of the year...with sometimes unfortunate and in the main hilarious consequences. He adopted at least 3 grannies, applied for countless credit cards which in turn paid for the many trips he had to take in the UK and abroad...all in the name of saying YES to friends, strangers and any kid of media suggestions whether in the form of an advertisement on TV or print.

So what? you say, why should I read it?

What I got from this book was...

  • belly wobbling laughter
  • tears of absolute, out and out, funny bone tickling joy
  • a mother's thinking I was a) suffering from a mental health linked issue - talking and laughing to myself, b) laughing and talking to someone on the phone or c) having a breakdown leading to a)
  • my mother's partner asking, via my mother, if he could have the book after me, because anything that made me laugh that much he had to read
  • laughter from my mother and her partner - laughing at me laughing and hearing the stories from the book
  • an insight into what it would be like to say YES to every question, opportunity, favour and demand in life and the mainly interesting, bizarre, exciting and joyful places it could take you
  • an uplifting of my spirits from all of the above
  • a free return ticket to anywhere in Europe

I know, you are thinking to yourself, ok I can understand it being funny, even hysterically funny and being uplifting and insightful but since when did a book, however funny, uplifiting and insightful it is provide free return tickets to anywhere in Europe?

Well might you ask.

So it went like this. Here I am sitting in the plane minding my own business and an announcement goes like this....

We will be selling refreshments now, so buy any item and you may be the lucky passenger who will win a return ticket with our airline.

So I think to myself, could I be bothered? The guy beside me is asleep and I will have to lean over him, my change is in my bag, I don't really want to talk to the stewardess because I don't really want to talk to anyone and there is no point anyway because it won't be me.

So when I was asked if I would like anything from the refreshment trolley, I thought of what Danny Wallace would do and said a bottle of water and a ticket...the number of which was called out...and I was the passenger to win a return ticket with the airline.

And the point...none really from this...its really in the book where Danny discovers its not about just saying YES, its about being more positive, being more open to opportunity and people, being more generous and less closed off from the world. Rather than saying no to war, saying yes to peace...instead of being anti the negative being pro the positive.

So I say....

Say YES more...


Small Print Reads: If you need me to be on a bus to tell u this then please arrange an appointment with me - perhaps we could go on a group outing on the No 15... or the D6 or D8 or D7 ...the view is better fromthe No 15 lets stick with that and its a double decker so u can see more...seeing more is better...even better lets go on an open topped bus and have a tour of London....come on say Yes..lets do it before the bad weather comes! Say Yes!


At 23/9/06 10:37 pm, Blogger Sarah YEAH? said...

i challenge myself to say yes more often!

At 24/9/06 12:55 am, Blogger Sarah YEAH? said...

never know where it might take you! (on a plane trip maybe?)

At 24/9/06 1:54 pm, Blogger Thomas said...

I say YES to the open top bus tour!

At 25/9/06 10:55 pm, Blogger Gordon said...

I'm glad you liked the book - very very funny!!


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