Tuesday, January 16, 2007


So when is it OK to listen to music on your mobile phone, ipod or MP3?

(a) When its good music with a quality sound?

(b) When you are in the privacy of your own home, in your room and under the duvet?

(c) When you do so with ear phones (ones which don't let a 'dum diddy dum' through to the unsuspecting passerby)?

(d) When you are out and about in public and wish you had a boom-box or transistor radio or even two saucepan lids to bang together?

(e) When its more important to hear any sound rather than the sound of the thought that trespasses across your brain like a tumbleweed in a cowboy film.

(f) When you are on the train, without earphones, blaring a tinny distorted sound leaving the listeners (a whole carriage of people) wondering if, in the right circumstances, the music might be good?

(g) In all the above situations, because 'noise polution' is a made-up thing for boring people who wish they had great music to share with the world and are jealous of those who have and rather than want to sing and dance to the music just sit and 'tut tut'...but if they did sing and dance may scare the provider of the music and may make them think again before sharing their music with the world?

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