Sunday, April 24, 2005

Three weeks later...

I had forgotten how the medium of film could have such an effect on you. I have gotten so used to Hollywood movies (good as they can be in a chewing gum kind of way) and not seen enough independent stuff. The Raindance East Film Festival has woken me from my stupor. Film and Video are great message carriers.

So many people have digital video cameras now...are they all just being used for weddings and birthdays?

Use yours to tell your story or someone elses. Record your message. It may be an important one that might make the world a better place.

If you can't get hold of a camera from your school or youth club or your uncle Ted at least see some independent film or even just a TV documentary (not involving plastic surgery)...and listen to someone else's message.

To visit the East London section of the Raindance Festival...

Saturday, April 02, 2005

The 3 Rs

Recycling...I do it - but not enough. I used to have to trek to the local council glass, paper & can banks but now we have a green box which we can leave outside our door every Sunday night...apart that is for Easter Sunday night. Which means I have an over flowing green recycling box...easter egg boxes, drink cans, the usual.

It helps to be a bit stingy or a hoarder in the recycling game. I don't like paying ridiculous amounts of money for clothes (luckily I can't afford to either) so I love jumble sales and charity shops...and where do all my old clothes go? Back again. Any jars and containers or anything that could possibly be used again I keep, luckily I am a youthworker so many things come in handy for art activities. There are plenty of schools, clubs or community groups who could benefit from your recycling...not to mention the environment...of course if we didn't have so much waste in the first they say...


According to around 80% of UK household rubbish could be reused or recycled.